- Bought 2 Computers (laptop and desktop)
- We have 3 cell phones (2 are for me) and a "land line"
- I have a PDA
- I started blogging
- I have my own website
- I have 6 email addresses (down from 8)
- Got DSL
- Bought a camera and programs so I can do video on the internet
- I own a portable MP3 player
- I look for places that have wireless internet
- I have lost interest in woodworking
- Family and friends come to me for computer problems and advice
- I now have DVR with caller ID
- I get withdrawals if I am away from the TV or computers for more than 1 hour
- I want to expand my wireless network to include the garage
- I wrote this in the "reading" room on my laptop (both hands)
- I no longer have a healthy tan and I am becoming allergic to sunlight
- I write down websites that I see advertised and visit them, even tho I am not interested in the product
- The Microsoft Windows sounds comfort me
(Thats only the brief list)