07 November 2008

Bad Finger Day

Here I sit at the keyboard on a Friday afternoon with little good to say so I will let my filter rest.

First of all WTF are the voters in Milwaukee thinking?? Passing an tax raise proposed by the county board. You all should be ashamed of yourselves, I do NOT want to hear from those who claim they were misled by the wording or it's to lower property taxes. Those lines are bulls&$t!!! The last raise they got they claimed the same thing and did the property tax go down??? NO. As far as the wording of the question, Yes at first glance it was a little confusing but after reading it over a second time it becomes clear.

Second, I am sick and tired of the coverage by EVERYONE in this last election cycle. Here are some reasons:
  • for the non stop gushing over Obama
  • For ignoring stories that reflect negatively on Obama
  • The negative tone towards anyone who disagreed
  • The race & income baiting
Bloggers/New Media
  • For the negativity towards Obama
  • following the Obama's lead of race/class baiting in spending time writing about it
  • The negative tone towards anyone who disagreed
I know that not everyone in the MSM and the Blogger worlds fell into this, but enough did.