21 February 2006

MPS Waterfollies - Part II

Working in the private sector, I see the need for well-educated and prepared people. That is why I wrote MPS Waterfollies, and that is why I think some people out there did not understand my point.

  • I was pointing out the perception of the taxpayers of MPS and WEAC.
  • I am not against rebuilding a school that is falling apart. What my point was and is the cost of the pool and its maintenance could have been used in the classroom for the children. I have seen schools first hand because I had worked in a charter school and I do know good teachers, and all they want is books, paper, and other supplies so they can give the kids a great education.
  • I would also like to point out that the article in question did mention that the pool was used not exclusively for those who needed therapy, but it used by all students. Supposedly, the reason for adding the pool was to provide therapy for those who need it.
  • I am not advocating that the pool needs to be drained.
  • Yes, I demand, I demand that MPS does not waste money; I demand that MPS TEACH our kids, I demand that my hard-earned dollars be spent wisely.
  • I do not have children. I do have nephews and nieces that are in school. My extended family and I do want the best education possible for them. So do not use the argument of If you do not have kids in public school, you should not comment on the subject. That argument does not hold any weight.
  • Budgets are tight. This is true for both the government and individuals.

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