30 January 2006

Weapon Carry law

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett was spotted over the weekend! He and other anti-PPA people had a press conference over at State Fair Park. They were/are claiming we will have wild west type situations at all the festivals because the act does not include these events in the ‘banned’ areas. This is another way from the left to take away from the law-abiding citizens their constitutional right to bear arms and to protect themselves and their families using any means they so choose. The JS has this in their article: Under the bill, people 21 and older would be allowed to carry concealed weapons after passing a course, provided they had not been convicted of felonies or certain misdemeanors, such as for domestic violence. Among the places people would be able to carry firearms are the grounds of State Fair Park and Summerfest.I am not a lawyer, but I do see a loophole in the law that gives the examples a way to ban weapons. Hint, these are government owned facilities.Instead of opening up the way for people to carry concealed weapons, Barrett said, the Legislature should be working to rid Wisconsin of illegal guns. There are laws on the books that prevent the sales of weapons to certain people; the people committing crimes with weapons do not care about those or any other laws and that makes it illegal. In addition, is it not the job of the local and state police to enforce the laws set forth?

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